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April 15, 2018, Nicholas Music Center, New Brunswick, NJ

Most people know Carl Orff’s music without realizing it. His introductory chorus O fortuna of his Carmina Burana is one of the most played and copied pieces in film, advertising and TV. But Orff wrote more than just this stunning peace that made him world famous. Between 1937 and 1938, Orff wrote both the music and the libretto for Der Mond, based on a short fairy tale from collection of the Grimm Brothers.
Orff called his piece Kleines Welttheater (which literally means “Little theater of the world”). Though it is based on a fairy tale, it is not necessarily for children. Since its premiere in 1939, DER MOND was quite popular on stages of the German-speaking world until the mid ‘70s.
Watch the video of our show in HD:
Paul Hindemith's Children's Opera WE'RE BUILDING A CITY
Performance: Highland Park High School, Students of Bartle Elementary School - December 6, 2018
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